Image Gallery - Features a large collection of Tasuki related images from both anime and manga.
Music - Tasuki has a number of image songs. You can download mp3s of these songs here. Lyrics are included for your kareoki pleasure.
Attack of the Clones - Tasuki's the type of character that can be compared to a lot of other characters from other series.
Animated GIFs - A few animated GIFs can be found here... watch Tasuki in action! X3
Fushigi Yuugi Parodies - A few parodies featuring the Fushigi Yuugi cast can be read here. I'm not sure what I was on when I wrote them.
Desktop Wallpaper - What better way to show your appriciation of Tasuki than decorating your desktop with his image?
Winamp Skin - My one little winamp skin. I might consider adding more from other sources but I'm not too thrilled of the idea. We'll see.
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